Quest:Dígelon: A Light in the Darkness

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Dígelon: A Light in the Darkness
Level 85
Type Solo
Starts with Wulfin
Starts at Harwick
Start Region The Wold
Map Ref [39.9S, 52.8W]
Quest Group Hytbold
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'During war it is difficult to keep the morale high. Warriors are used to the battle and the constant loss, but the farmsfolk, women, and children...their spirits cannot handle such violence and turmoil. They need reminders that there is still good and virtue within the world.

'Such a reminder grows in the Dígelon. By the shores of the great underwater river there are glowing mushrooms unlike any ever seen. They remind people that light can overcome darkness. Only a few of them are needed to rekindle the fire within the people.'


The mushrooms that grow within the Dígelon are highly regarded by the Rohirrim.

Objective 1

Glowing mushrooms can be found in Dígelon.

Wulfin asked you to venture within Dígelon and gather several glowing mushrooms.

Wulfin: 'Are you prepared to visit Dígelon and see the fury of the underground river?'
Enter the Public Instance: Dígelon

Objective 2

Wulfin is at Harwick.

Wulfin will be happy to see the glowing mushrooms you were able to gather from Dígelon.

Wulfin: 'These will do nicely. While war is fought with weapons, and stomachs are filled with food, hope is inspired from things like this.'